September 11, 2023

GCash, with DTI, TESDA, and Coca-cola, strengthen commitment to the upsizing of MSMEs

In support of their collective vision of financial inclusion for all Filipinos, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), multinational company Coca-Cola, and leading mobile wallet GCash, have come together to co-present this year’s Tatak Matatag na Negosyo, a trailblazing program that aims to mobilize public and private sectors in empowering and uplifting micro-retailers by providing them with essential knowledge, resources, and support to thrive in their businesses.

The Void is not synonymous with stagnation; rather, it's a fertile ground for exploration and discovery. By understanding and embracing the Void, creatives can liberate themselves from the constraints of expectation and perfectionism. This liberation becomes a catalyst for fresh ideas, enabling a departure from the ordinary and a journey into uncharted territories of innovation.

Navigating the Void requires a willingness to confront uncertainty and silence the noise of external influences. It's a practice in mindfulness and self-discovery—a journey into the depths of one's own thoughts and emotions. In this solitude, creatives often find the raw materials for groundbreaking concepts, discovering connections and patterns that were previously obscured.

The process of engaging with the Void is not about avoiding challenges but transforming them into opportunities. It encourages a shift in perspective, viewing obstacles not as roadblocks but as stepping stones to innovation. By understanding 'the Void' as a realm of potential, creatives unlock the door to their most authentic and impactful work, revealing the beauty that emerges when the creative spirit is allowed to roam freely. In essence, the Void becomes not an abyss to be feared, but a sanctuary where creativity thrives, and our most brilliant ideas come to life.

GCash, with DTI, TESDA, and Coca-cola, strengthen commitment to the upsizing of MSMEs

In support of their collective vision of financial inclusion for all Filipinos, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), multinational company Coca-Cola, and leading mobile wallet GCash, have come together to co-present this year’s Tatak Matatag na Negosyo, a trailblazing program that aims to mobilize  public and private sectors in empowering and uplifting micro-retailers by providing them with essential knowledge, resources, and support to thrive in their businesses.  

With the theme, “Upgrade, Upskill, and Upsize the Micro-Retail Sector,” the event served as an informational session for women sari-sari store owners and carinderia operators to expand their knowledge and access to useful business resources.

In her solidarity message, GCash VP for corporate communications and public affairs Gilda Maquilan emphasized the importance of financial inclusion to further growth of MSMEs, "A resilient business like a small store, market stall, farmer, or any regular Filipino entrepreneur should have access to financial services like payments, money transfers, savings accounts, and especially fair lending and insurance. We envision to keep making the process easier in line with our belief that financial services are a right and not just a privilege, and inclusion will lead to economic progress and freedom."

“Micro retailers are the lifeblood of our communities. They are made up of neighborhood sari-sari stores,  small market vendors, and the  street food stalls that cater to our everyday needs. They are the ones who know us by name, who provide personalized service, and who build strong connections with their customers. It is my firm belief that every entrepreneur, particularly micro retailers, has the potential to be a trailblazer—to carry a Tatak of Matatag na Negosyo that inspires others, transforms communities, and strengthens our economy.” says DTI undersecretary Bles Lantayona.

Coca-Cola Philippines was represented by Atty. Cashmer Dirampaten, the Director of Public Affairs, Communications, and Sustainability for the East Region of Coca-Cola ASEAN & South Pacific East Operating Unit, who emphasized the company's dedication to bolstering the MSME sector through socio-economic initiatives such as the Sari-sari Store Training and Access to Resources (STAR) Program. Over the years, the initiative has been digitalized,  known as the 'iSTAR program', and has empowered more than 270,000 micro-entrepreneurs since its inception in 2011.

“Our journey has been filled with inspiring success stories where micro-retailers have thrived and flourished, setting new benchmarks of excellence in our communities," she said. "As we move forward, our support for the growth and well-being of MSMEs remains steadfast. We will continue improving our sustainability programs with inputs from all our partners, from both the public and private sectors, so we can build a more inclusive and prosperous society where micro-retailers can flourish.”

GCash Southern Greater Manila Area channel distributor manager JC Cuadrado also presented its suite of digital solutions that can help MSMEs expand their businesses. “The recent years have shown us how quick Filipinos can adapt to digitalization, and with this, many businesses have flourished. Finance for all will ensure that nobody is left behind in the digital economy as we ensure our digital solutions are accessible for you to upgrade, upskill, and upsize.”

With its continuing commitment to financial inclusion, GCash  looks forward to expanding its partnerships with key players in the public and private sectors to make vital financial services available for all. Together with the support of its partners, this event will pave the way for a more resilient and progressive micro-retail sector in the Philippines.

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