Trust & Security
July 30, 2024

Partnership for Development Assistance in the Philippines, GCash partner to raise awareness on human trafficking on World Day Against Trafficking in Persons

The Void is not synonymous with stagnation; rather, it's a fertile ground for exploration and discovery. By understanding and embracing the Void, creatives can liberate themselves from the constraints of expectation and perfectionism. This liberation becomes a catalyst for fresh ideas, enabling a departure from the ordinary and a journey into uncharted territories of innovation.

Navigating the Void requires a willingness to confront uncertainty and silence the noise of external influences. It's a practice in mindfulness and self-discovery—a journey into the depths of one's own thoughts and emotions. In this solitude, creatives often find the raw materials for groundbreaking concepts, discovering connections and patterns that were previously obscured.

The process of engaging with the Void is not about avoiding challenges but transforming them into opportunities. It encourages a shift in perspective, viewing obstacles not as roadblocks but as stepping stones to innovation. By understanding 'the Void' as a realm of potential, creatives unlock the door to their most authentic and impactful work, revealing the beauty that emerges when the creative spirit is allowed to roam freely. In essence, the Void becomes not an abyss to be feared, but a sanctuary where creativity thrives, and our most brilliant ideas come to life.

In observation of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons, GCash, the Philippines’ leading finance app and largest cashless ecosystem, and the Partnership for Development Assistance in the Philippines (PDAP), are working together to raise awareness on human trafficking and Online Sexual Abuse or Exploitation of Children(OSAEC).

Through its partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), PDAP’s Strengthening Local Systems and Partnerships for more Effective and Sustainable Counter Trafficking in Persons in the Philippines (Strength CTIP) project has collaborated with national government agencies, local governments, local non-governmental organizations, and the private sector to combat labor trafficking, online sexual abuse or exploitation of children (OSAEC), and the development of child sexual abuse or exploitation materials (CSAEM), as well as other forms of human trafficking.

The Philippine government and local non-government organizations estimate that 60,000 to 100,000 Filipino children are trafficked annually, while the prevalence of OSAEC and CSAEM has increased in recent years especially during the COVID-19 lockdowns. The pandemic also increased the number of unemployed workers, making them more vulnerable to labor trafficking.

The Philippines remains to be a Tier 1 country in the 2024 Trafficking in Persons report of the US State Department, acknowledging the efforts of the Philippine government in addressing human trafficking. However, much more can be done by involving the general public in combating human trafficking.

Today, July 30, 2024, GCash users will see a pop-up on the GCash app, encouraging users to be aware of the problem of human trafficking and encouraging them to report any instance of human trafficking that they experience or witness.

“USAID and PDAP's Strength CTIP Project looks forward to a strong partnership with GCash in the fight against human trafficking. GCash enables their 94 million users to learn more about the red flags of human trafficking and provides the means to report traffickers,”

said PDAP Strength CTIP Chief of Party Eugenio M. Gonzales.

“This collaboration highlights the private sector's crucial role in addressing social ills."

“GCash is committed to promoting trust and security, which includes the safety and well-being of all Filipinos,”

said Atty. Maricor Alvarez-Adriano, GCash Chief Legal Officer.

“We recognize the power of our platform in amplifying important advocacies that directly affect vulnerable members of our community. We join our partners and other stakeholders around the world in raising awareness about the importance of putting an end to human trafficking.”

GCash has been a staunch advocate for safer online spaces and more secure fintech platforms for Filipinos. The company has been working with the Philippine National Police Anti-Cybercrime Group (PNP-ACG), the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), and the Cybercrime Investigation and Coordinating Center (CICC) to promote a safer and more secure cyberspace, especially for the most vulnerable sectors in the Philippines, which include women and children.

Instances or experiences of human trafficking may be reported via the Inter-Agency Council Against Trafficking at (02) 1343 or via or the Department of Migrant Workers at (02) 1348 or via

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